Why Not for Reference?
During my yoga teacher training, the teaching of the six opulence’s was discussed. Wealth, fame, strength, beauty, knowledge, and renunciation. Lord Krishna is known to have all six opulence’s, but he is not attached to them. This lack of attachment is what makes him a complete spiritual being. When I examined myself, I determined that my attachment is knowledge. The pursuit and accumulation of knowledge. The deeper questions then came as I contemplated my own attachments, of course while I was in the shower.
Why was I attached to knowledge?
The first answer that came to my consciousness was that you cannot argue truth. When in discussion with others, the statement of fact can rarely be argued. Avoiding argument prevents confrontation. I do not feel safe or intrigued by confrontation. I am not one that enjoys debate. Even voices raised makes me feel the need to flee. There is always more though, deeper reasons than the first answer. So I continued to ask myself. Power. Knowledge is power and with a long-standing history of feeling powerless, knowledge gave me power when I did not have power in other facets of my life.
What is the root?
The root of this seeking of knowledge is that if I have the documented truth, then ultimately, I do not need to reveal how I actually feel about something. By stating facts, I am avoiding vulnerability for revealing my own personal thoughts and experiences. Vulnerability may lead to rejection and standing alone.
What I am intending for this space is the curious pursuit of knowledge and experience as I walk through this spiritual exploration. Allowing myself to reach into the spaces of expression without providing the 100% fact checked regurgitations. Not for reference is my disclaimer to the reader.
Consumer Benefits
Hoping that you can also give yourself the space to gather information, ponder, and determine for yourself what you believe. There is power in knowing your own truth and formulating your own thoughts, especially in this time of continuous input from outside sources.