Reading time: 2 minutes
The morning fog is thick and has not cleared well into the morning hours. During the foggy days, I sit at the bar and drink my fuming hot coffee while looking out into the garden. From this vantage point, I can see the olive tree and the string lighting and of course our Charlie Brown potato tree that has endured the droughts and the neglect. The sole reason we keep that tree is because of our admiration for its endurance. We cannot even fathom how far its roots have traveled to ensure that it has a drink. Grasping with hair like tendrils to just find one drop to sustain its life. Through all that famine it still manages to have the energy to produce delicate, vibrant, purple flowers with bright yellow centers. Not too showy, but there. Existing and taking up space, unapologetic.
If only we could learn from the nature around us. To be okay with taking up space. To be unapologetic for how we exist. That does not mean the refusal of evolution. Through famine, the potato tree has evolved and stretched and grown into spaces that it would not have gone if it was given everything it needed, exactly where it was. The potato tree would have remained comfortable and there would not have been a reason to expand.
Being comfortable results in staying the same. Although there are benefits for having comfortable seasons, those seasons should not become eons. We also need to grow and stretch into areas that we would generally not inhabit unless we needed something within us fulfilled. Either we choose how to be uncomfortable through curiosity and an intentional desire to grow or we end up uncomfortable in the long run with our stagnancy and resistance to change. I personally, would prefer to intentionally determine how to be uncomfortable based on where my curiosity takes me. This method can avoid the release of stress hormones because you are being forced to change. In what ways are we being forced to change, due to our inaction? In what ways, do you want to intentionally grow?
Continue pondering..